$333 to $400 per 60 minutes might sound out of reach for you. Because we see our clients primarily via teletherapy, session length is flexible. This makes sessions a little more affordable than you may initially think. For example, if you choose to have a 45 minute session with Dr. Smith Han, the fee is $250. A 45 minute session with Dr. Barajas or Dr. Goldman is $275. A 45 minute session with Dr. Lee is $300. During our free 20 minute consultation, we can discuss if a shorter session length will be appropriate for your needs.

We also recognize that not everyone has the financial means to benefit from on-going concierge therapy. As an effort to increase accessibility, we provide time-limited consultation services. This is great for individuals with very specific, short-term issues that can be addressed via psychoeducation or collaborative problem-solving. Click here to learn about the benefits of consultation. We are also available for private small-group workshops and short-term groups. Please contact us to discuss your desired topic.

Additionally, we offer opportunities to learn via our blog, Facebook page, and speaking engagements. If you’d like Dr. Lee to speak at your school, organization, or group of peers, please use the contact us form to submit your request.